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Public Notice for the TBHS Board of Directors Meeting to be held on Thursday, August 22, 2024 at 7:00 pm

Executive Committee Meeting & Contracts Committee Meeting prior to the Board Meeting at 6:30 pm 

All meeting will be held at the TBHS Training Center located at 129 East Burnside Street, Caro, MI

All meeting are open to the public.


The staff of Tuscola Behavioral Health Systems (TBHS) would like to welcome you and your family.  We provide effective, comprehensive, quality treatment to help you deal with your struggles, whether related to mental illness, developmental disability, or co-existing substance use disorder.  Co-existing means having two conditions at once, such as a mental illness and a substance use disorder.  TBHS recognizes that reaching out for help can be hard.  TBHS wants you to know that working together with you and if you choose, your family, helps build the necessary partnership to address your needs openly with care and respect.  We will listen to you in detail, call you by your name and accept you as a person.

No Wrong Door and Many Right Doors…

TBHS has a “No Wrong Door” policy.  This means that you will be assessed and receive care and treatment no matter where you enter our system.  This includes service supports and collaboration to help address your identified needs.  If there is a problem with eligibility for services, you will be assisted in finding the right supports and services in the community as well.  This is an ongoing process as we strive to provide seamless and personally meaningful care.

Our Guiding Principles…

  • Your care is comprehensive - it meets your needs individually and covers all areas of need.

  • ~  Your care is timely - care is delivered quickly and efficiently to meet your needs.

  • ~  You and your recovery are priorities - we are responsive to assisting and supporting you in your journey toward prolonged wellness.

  • ~  Your care environment is of great importance - our facilities are quiet, comfortable, safe and clean.

  • ~  Your care is targeted to your situation - care is geared toward respect of all ages, races, cultures, gender, orientation, urgency of need and individual need.

  • ~  Your care is delivered in an open, accepting environment - TBHS staff work hard to gain and improve the skills and approaches necessary to address through treatment the behaviors and issues that go into mental health, substance abuse, developmental disabilities and co-existing disorders.

  • ~  Your feedback is essential - your level of satisfaction helps us know how to improve our system of care.



Tuscola Behavioral Health Systems (TBHS), a Michigan Community Mental Health Authority, is seeking sealed bid proposals from interested and qualified parties to provide Community Living Supports (CLS) services, including community integration experiences for up to 54 hours a week in Vassar, Michigan.  Services provided would be for one individual with an intellectual/developmental disability.  If you would like to offer a proposal, please contact the Contract Dept. at (989) 673-6191, to request a copy of the proposal specifications.  Proposals must be received by 5:00 p.m., August 30, 2024.  TBHS reserves the right to accept or reject any or all replies.


Tuscola Behavioral Health Systems (TBHS), a Michigan Community Mental Health Authority, is seeking sealed bid proposals from interested and qualified parties to provide Community Living Supports (CLS) services for one individual with behavioral health needs in Caro, Michigan.  If you would like to offer a proposal, please contact the Contract Dept. at (989) 673-6191, to request a copy of the proposal specifications.  Proposals must be received by 5:00 p.m., August 30, 2024.  TBHS reserves the right to accept or reject any or all replies.


Tuscola Behavioral Health Systems, a Michigan Community Mental Health Authority, is seeking bids for its vehicle fleet cleaning.  The bid will be for a three (3) year period beginning October 1, 2024 and ending September 30, 2027.  This project will involve vehicles located at Tuscola Behavioral Health Systems’ two (2) main office locations as well as two (2) residential facilities.  Bids will be evaluated based on, but not limited to, applicable State of Michigan licensing and insurance requirements.  If you are interested in bidding on the above, please contact the Contract Manager at (989) 673-6191 for the project description and bid specifications.  Bids will be accepted no later than 5:00 p.m. on Monday, July 26, 2024.



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