Recipient Rights
Recipients of Tuscola Behavioral Health Systems (TBHS) have legal rights guaranteed by Michigan's Mental Health Code and various other laws. These rights are outlined in a booklet entitled Your Rights When Receiving Mental Health Services in Michigan, which consumers receive when they begin receiving services from TBHS.
Click here to watch the video of "Your Rights When Recieving Mental Health Services in Michigan"
The Office of Recipient Rights (ORR) strives to ensure the protection of recipients' rights in various ways, including complaint resolution. If a consumer believes his or her rights have been violated during the course of their mental health service with TBHS, a complaint can be filed with the Office of Recipient Rights. Complaints may be filed in person, through the mail, or by telephone. Complaint forms are contained within the Your Rights booklet, at any TBHS location, or by the following link: Complaint Form (PDF).
Once a complaint is reviewed by the Recipient Rights Officer, the person making the complaint will be notified in writing what action will be taken. If necessary, the complaint may be investigated. Under certain circumstances, the complainant may appeal the outcome of an investigation.
The Office of Recipient Rights may be reached at 989.673.6191 or 800.462.6814; TTD/TDY: 1.866.835.4186.
Click here to view a copy of the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, Recipient Rights Booklet in Spanish/Español.
Click here to view a copy of the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, Recipient Rights Booklet in Arabic/عربى.
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Your Rights
We are dedicated to providing you with quality services. We also believe that as someone who is receiving services from our program, you should know your rights. You should know how to make a complaint if you believe any of your rights have been violated.
You Have the Right to Know
How much our services cost and how much you must pay; When violation of program rules could lead to your discharge; All about any drugs that are used in your treatment; If you, or information about you, will be used in any research or experiments.
Recipient Rights Book in English
Recipient Rights Book Sus Decheros
Recipient Rights Book Sus Decheros Poster
Recipient Rights Book Sus Decheros Flyer
Customer Services
Customer Services is provided by community mental health to assist you with questions and/or concerns about the services you receive. We can assist you with filing a complaint and can provide you with information about eligibility, processes, mental health issues, substance use disorder issues, community resources, and much more. Individuals served or their families have an advocate to assist with some of the uncertainties that individuals may feel.
Assistance provided by the Customer Services Department include:
Access to Tuscola Behavioral Health Systems.
Involvement throughout the system as needed.
Orientation to Person-Centered Planning for individuals served and their families.
Explanation of services available at TBHS.
Explanation of forms and paperwork.
Training support for community facilitators.
Explanation of Grievance and Appeals Procedures and Your Right to a Second Opinion.
Act as a liaison between intake workers and individuals when selecting services
Assistance in linking with other human services agencies within the area.
To contact Customer Services directly, please call 888.482.8269; 711 for those with hearing impairments.
If you would like more information or have any questions, you may contact TBHS at 989.673.6191 or 800.462.6814; TDD - 866.835.4186 (business hours). If your question relates to customer services, you will be transferred to the appropriate person.
To view our Guide to Services for individuals served, please click on the following link: TBHS Guide to Services
Confidentiality and HIPAA
Summary of Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Privacy Rights. HIPAA is a law that protects your privacy.
We are required to inform you of your rights under this law. This document is a short summary of your rights. A longer version with more information is available. If you have questions, you may ask to speak to our Privacy Officer.
We will use or share your private information with others as necessary for treatment. We may also use or share your information to get paid for our services and to run our agency.
We may remind you of your appointment by sending a postcard or leaving a message on your answering machine. You may ask us not to do these things. If we need to share your information for other reasons, we will ask you to sign a special form.
If you change your mind and tell us, we will stop sharing the information. You have the right to see the information we have about you and to get copies of that information.
If we refuse your request, we must tell you the reason. If you think that the information you saw is wrong, you can write to us and ask us to change it.
We do not have to agree to change the information. If we do not agree we have to tell you why. You can get a list of the people we have shared your information with.
If we shared the information to treat you, to receive payment, or to run our agency, it will not be on the list. You can ask us not to use your information in a certain way.
You may also ask us not to share your private information with certain people. In some cases, as stated in the Michigan Mental Health Code, we may not agree to these requests.
You can ask that we send your mail to a certain address or that we only call you at a certain time or place. You have the right to complain to our Privacy Officer if you think that we did not follow these rules.